Kendyl always talks about shopping with momma, so we got a new stroller that will allow me to take both girls at the same time (no more dragging Christian with me so he can push the other stroller...I'm sure he's more excited than I am).

It's nice because Kendyl can sit backwards or stand in the back, and Lia is able to sit up front with out getting "bonked" in the head from her big sister. And I can actually steer this stroller, the last one I had I was forever crashing into everything. Not fun for the girls and really embarrassing for me.

This is going to be a busy week for me. I am busy at work with our year end audit and Pat is going out of town until Monday. I think I'm going to be very happy when Tuesday rolls around and Pat is back to help out.
checking to see if you get this.
Cool new ride!!!
Hope you are hanging in there.
Hi! The kids are great.
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