Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Birthday & I love your pink tractor

We had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend/Birthday weekend. It happened to be Pat's mom's birthday this Memorial day weekend and we were lucky enough to get to spend the weekend up north with her.

We all went out for a lovely birthday dinner. The kids behaved well and we even had a somewhat (yeah, so I ducked away and asked to have a birthday Ice Cream Sunday delivered and the waitress came over and confirmed it with everyone present....I tried Georgia) surprise birthday treat.

The girls were so cute, they wanted to sit by Grandma and share some of that wonderful birthday treat. Kendyl even had Pat move her highchair closer to Grandma and Lia went and sat on Grandpa's lap. Grandma and the girls were all smiles.....I'd say it was a lovely birthday celebration.

We had a fun time playing up north.

And jumping on the bed.....

And I even got a picture of all three kids together....that happens about once every couple of months.

The whole family by the lake.

On another note Pat loved the picture of the girls playing on the John Deere tractor at the puppy party....since that time he has been driving me CRAZY...............and insisting that we get the girls some pedal tractors to play with. Pat has an antique Farmall

I decided to get a for the girls....................Pat said, um Red would have been better, but he's not a little girl and my girls LOVE the pink tractor.

Um, Lia wrong way....

Yep, that's better.

Kendyl, climb on.

Friday, May 16, 2008

Yard Work

I got home from work today and the girls wanted to play outside. Fine with me it was nice and I thought the fresh air would be good. However, my little ones didn't want to play in the sand box with me, they wanted to help daddy mow the lawn. How cute are they. Pat eventually got tired of not getting much done and sent me inside with the girls (Mr. Christian is at a sleep over.....even though he's grounded because of some bad grades....however it's been amazing the progress that he has made in the last week).

Back inside we are and with all the toys that we have what to my girls decide would be fun?!? Lia decided that it would be great to run around with a bucket on her head and Kendyl wanted to play with a grocery bag. I swear we really have toys.....

This should be a nice relaxing weekend. My mom is coming over to "get her grand kid fix" as she calls it. We are going to do some garage sale shopping. I love this time of year. I am a garage sale addict....I have a problem. We also have some houses to look at tomorrow, I need to find that perfect home in case....I mean house sells. This market is not the best, but it will happen, I have faith.
To all of those keeping track of my dad. He is still in the nursing home. I'm not sure when he will make it back home, but I'm hoping he will. We are going to visit him the weekend after next. We are also going to go and see the newest addition to our family Audrey Lea Nelson (Pat's brother and sister-in-law's baby). She is just beautiful and we can't wait to meet her. Mike - Sally if you are reading my blog, I've told Pat to let you know that we would like come visit.....but we all know how great with communication my husband is.....should I tell the story of Lia's baptism....okay maybe later.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Puppy Party

Kendyl, Lia and I went to my friend/boss Gail's house today for a puppy party. What a great time we had. It was great weather and the girls just loved playing with the puppies. There were 7 of them. Pat prepped me before, by telling me don't bring home a puppy, don't bring home a puppy, don't bring home a puppy.....I got it and didn't bring home a puppy. It was hard, especially with Kendyl saying I want a puppy over and over. I do realize that I have enough going on in my life and don't need to take on anything else (thanks mom for drilling this into my head).

Sam, Zoe (Gail's daughters) and Kendyl

The girls also enjoyed playing with Gail's cool John Deer tractor. Pat saw this picture and wants to get one for the if anyone knows where we can find one let me know.

I took the day off yesterday because daycare was closed. I found a Barbie tent at a garage sale (garages sales are my secret adiction, now you all know). The girls had a blast in there new tent and I really enjoyed spending some time just goofing around with them.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Good night

I took these pictures last night. The girls had a long weekend of playing and went to bed nicely. We walked on a new trail by our house for about an hour and then played at the park (or the beach as Kendyl kept calling it). It was a nice weekend.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

We love Balloons

Our next-door neighbor, Sam, brought some balloons over for the girls to play with. They just loved them. My mom came for a visit and we had a good time. Unfortunately I was really bad with the camera and these are the only pictures that I took over the weekend.