It has been a cold weekend (9 - 10 degrees), but we've still managed to do a lot of stuff. Yesterday we went to the doctor's office, Kendyl had her staple removed and didn't even seem to notice what the doctor was doing. She just kept on playing with toys and two seconds later it was all done (now if I can just manage to keep her in one piece it will be a miracle, she's such a tom boy). Lia had four shots, and has four more scheduled in a couple of weeks (after this batch she's done until she's 4....that makes me happy). Afterwards we all went out to eat and then went to the mall (which lasted about 10 minutes because Kendyl wouldn't stay in her stroller).

Today we have been to church, had lunch and said goodbye to grandma. Now both girls are down for their naps (one of my favorite times of the day.... I have a couple of hours to myself...I'm going to pick up the house a bit and watch some TV).

Pat is still having fun on his trip and he'll be back tomorrow. We are looking forward to him coming home (the laundry is piling up and I've had to do dishes twice....oh and Tuesday is garbage day....just kidding we just miss him).