Thursday, February 14, 2008

Lesson Learned!

Okay, so the girly girl weekend went pretty well. The kids were full of energy and I was exhausted by Sunday night..... Pat came home (which I was surprised, because he was in the U.P. and I heard the bridge was closed) and I was so excited for a moment of alone time, unfortunately Pat it the road commission and he had to go out and plow, so no alone time for me.... Oh well!!!

Also, I learned a valuable lesson this Kendyl a pudding cup, so I could quickly run some laundry upstairs turned out not to be a great idea.........but it is a cute picture.
This week is becoming a bit of a dad is in the hospital, Christian and I had bad dentist appointments today (me...panic attack when the dentist came in to do a filling, which didn't happen..Christian, a couple of cavities for our next appointment). Christian was given a detention at school which I thought was unnecessary and with my stressed out mood I told the vice principle exactly where he could shove his detention....needless to say Christian no longer has a detention.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Try to find time to relax, I know easier said than done. The last time I had to have a tooth drilled I had a complete melt down and the dentist stills comments each time that I go, that he will never tellme if I have a cavity again. Hope your week gets better and hope your dad is getting better.