Sunday, July 20, 2008

Happy 16th B-Day Christian!

It certainly has been a busy couple of weeks. Pat's been working a ton, and I've been busy with work and school. Christian turned 16 last Thursday, and I'm having a hard time believing that I'm old enough to have a 16 year old, boy am I OLD! The girls have been busy playing and enjoying the outdoors.

Lia and her tractorFriday night Pat and I took the girls for a walk

Even Rumor (the dog) pitched in. The funny thing is Lia only cried when Rumor was pulling her, I just don't think Lia knew what was going on. Once we took the dog leash off and I pushed her the rest of the way home she was fine. I just thought it was to funny and had to share.

Saturday morning Kendyl & Lia snuggled on the couch and watch cartoons

Kendyl made Christian a B-Day card (at day-care)

Saturday Pat took Christian the three friends up north to tube down the Muskegon River, while I took the girls to my work picnic. We all had a busy day, and re-grouped at 8:00 for dinner and cake. The boys were really good last night. I didn't even have to get up to yell at them.

After dinner I took out some birthday hats, as a joke, they were from New Years and a previous "girly" B-Day party. The boys got a kick out of running around in hats and acting goofy. Even Lia got to wear a hat, and she looked so cute that I had to take a picture.

Christian was nice enough to let the girls help blow out the birthday candles (check out the Happy New Years hat).

I can't believe we all slept in until 10:00 today. I can't remember the last time that I slept this late and I'm sure the girls have never slept in this late. I guess we were all tired from a busy Saturday.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy 16th Birthday Christian.

Cindy, we aren't old enough to have 16 year olds yet. Atleat you don't have people thinkging your son is your boyfriend, husband or brother. We get the first 2 more than anything.
