Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy 4th of July

It's been another busy week, and I'm looking forward to the long weekend. I took today off to spend some time with the girls (Christian is "working" at my mom's this week). The girls and I went to the mall and played in the play land, grabbed a bite to eat and just had a nice time. The girls got some new shoes and I got a new's pretty hard to try stuff on with the giant double stroller, so we didn't stay to long.

Pat and I decided to celebrate the 4th a bit early. We had some fireworks, so we did some tonight and will do some tomorrow. I put the girls in their strollers (piece of mind for me), and we watched and clapped and laughed. It was a good time had by all.

Even Rumor, the dog, watched the fireworks.

Pat and I plan on watching the Rockford fireworks with the girls tomorrow and just hanging out. Saturday morning Pat is planning on heading up north to see his parents. I'm staying home with the girls, because I'm supposed to be doing a paper for my class (which starts on Thursday). I'm being a big slacker at the moment.....I keep putting off reading my chapters and writing my paper. There's nothing like staying up until 3:00am the day before class and doing homework....only this time around I have a real job that I have to be able to function at. Here's to hoping I get cracking tomorrow.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Have a Great Holiday!!!!