Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Birthday & I love your pink tractor

We had a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend/Birthday weekend. It happened to be Pat's mom's birthday this Memorial day weekend and we were lucky enough to get to spend the weekend up north with her.

We all went out for a lovely birthday dinner. The kids behaved well and we even had a somewhat (yeah, so I ducked away and asked to have a birthday Ice Cream Sunday delivered and the waitress came over and confirmed it with everyone present....I tried Georgia) surprise birthday treat.

The girls were so cute, they wanted to sit by Grandma and share some of that wonderful birthday treat. Kendyl even had Pat move her highchair closer to Grandma and Lia went and sat on Grandpa's lap. Grandma and the girls were all smiles.....I'd say it was a lovely birthday celebration.

We had a fun time playing up north.

And jumping on the bed.....

And I even got a picture of all three kids together....that happens about once every couple of months.

The whole family by the lake.

On another note Pat loved the picture of the girls playing on the John Deere tractor at the puppy party....since that time he has been driving me CRAZY...............and insisting that we get the girls some pedal tractors to play with. Pat has an antique Farmall

I decided to get a for the girls....................Pat said, um Red would have been better, but he's not a little girl and my girls LOVE the pink tractor.

Um, Lia wrong way....

Yep, that's better.

Kendyl, climb on.

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