Sunday, June 15, 2008

Where did the time go!

I've not been the best of bloggers lately. I just checked my camera to see what pictures I've taken in the past couple of weeks and there are exactly none. I do have one video of the girls doing some dancing that I will attach.

Work continues to be busy as usual. I'm looking forward to the day that I am all caught up and can get home at a decent hour, that time better arrive soon because I start classes (for my masters) in less than a month. I hear that I have homework due on my first day of class, so unfair.

Christian is now home for the summer, he will get to spend sometime with my mom "working" this summer. The rest of the time will be slacking around. He has made a bunch of new friends this year and tries to hang out with them as much as possible.

The girls are well, they get closer each day. Kendyl is the leader of the two, with Lia saying and doing everything that her big sister does. It is truly wonderful to watch the two of them together.

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