Then we headed over to Pat's brother and sister-in-laws house to meet the newest addition of our family. Baby Audrey....boy is she cute! We had a really nice visit, the baby is doing great and we can't wait to watch all the girls grow up together (Christian keeps telling me that it would be nice if he had some cousins to grow up with, not much I can do there). The girls were pretty good at Uncle Mike & Aunt Sally's house. Kendyl shut Lia's head in the door, the girls escaped the back door and found their way the front porch, and they pulled one of Uncle Mike's baby trees out of the ground (sorry about that Mike). As you can tell it's just another day in the life of Lia and Kendyl.....boy do they have energy.
After our visit, and wonderful dinner with Mike & Sally, we headed over for a visit with my brother Sean.

Uncle Sean got the girls some bubble guns, all the kids had a blast. Christian thought it was so much fun to cover me in bubbles. He played really nicely with the girls, although I had to remind him a couple of times that the toys were for the girls, not him (Uncle Sean got Christian some video games).
Saturday night we crashed from pure exhaustion, and got up bright and early Sunday morning. My dad is still in a nursing home, so we went for a nice long visit. The girls were the hit of the nursing home. They spent their time marching up and down the halls, taking trips to the candy marching and playing out-side with big brother Christian. It was nice to have the time to visit with my dad. He is really looking good. I'm hoping that he keeps getting stronger and is able to make it back home.....go dad go.
Lia LOVED cuddling with her grandpa (and I think grandpa LOVED it as well).
After the nursing home my mom treated us to a wonderful lunch out. We chatted and enjoyed each others company. Then we headed home.
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