Well today sure is a gloomy day. We've managed to keep ourselves very busy.
Pat gave the girls basket rides, while doing laundry (hopefully soon we won't have all these stairs to run up and down).

We met our realtor and looked at 4 houses. All of them were very nice. Pat and I both really liked one of them and we are hoping to make it our new home. Now all we have to do is sell our house....I'm guessing it will take us at least six months, but I am hoping not.
Our realtor told us that our kids were perfect and asked if Kendyl was always so happy (what a good little actress she is). Kendyl kept asking if we were going to see more house, and letting us know that she really wanted to see more. Our agent said that is the first time he's ever heard a two year old ask to look at more houses, that's my girl.
Below is a picture of the girls riding in the car. We took plenty of snacks and things really did work out nicely.

Pat quickly decided to start the painting, as the house is going on the market next Saturday. Lia decided to give him a helping hand.