We've been up to a lot over the last year, but nothing major, mostly just enjoying time with family and friends.
My baby brother got married this year and the girls had the honor of being flower girls in the wedding, they looked adorable and were very well behaved (thank goodness...I was stressing over this one).
I took the girls on their first big road trip this year. We went and visited my cousin, as well as a good friend of mine, in the DC area. It was a ton of driving and the girls did a wonderful job (most of the time, we certainly did have our share of meltdowns).
Christian turned 18 this year, so he better watch out and be good or he's outta here.....just kidding. He's been working a lot over the summer and has his own car now (2nd one, 1st one got crashed and died). He will be a senior in high-school this year. Boy how time flies. Kendyl will also start school this year. My babies are growing up. 
So, maybe I won't wait as long next time to post or maybe I will....not sure I like blogging as much as I used to. Not sure if anyone still remembers my blog, anyone see this?? Just wondering. You all have a very wonderful day!!!