Saturday, August 23, 2008

Last Weekend

Sleeping beauty
I had a really nice weekend last weekend. My friend Lori came to visit and we went downtown for some shopping and ice cream.

I will be finishing up with my class today and then will not be taking another class until next year. I was told at work that our busy season is coming, so I need to make sure I have plenty of time to work. If busy is coming, what have I been doing?

Christian had orientation on Thursday and is getting ready to go back to school. I don't know if he's excited or not, but he's asked me to take him school shopping, so at least he's getting ready. The girls are well, but driving me crazy. Lia wants to be everywhere that Kendyl is, Kendyl wants to be anywhere other than with Lia......and the fights begin. I'm hoping this is a stage and they just grow out of it.

We don't really have any fun plans for the weekend. We are just thinking of going grocery shopping and then getting ice cream.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Nap Time

Last week I decided that the girls should be in the same room. It's been working pretty well. The first night was rough, but then they got used to having each other.

Today I put them down for a nap and they went downstairs to work on my paper (only two weeks until this class is done, then I get a month to rest).

About and hour later I heard some giggling coming from upstairs, so I decided to take my camera up and take some pictures*****

******this is what I found (Kendyl got out of her bed and climbed into Lia's crib- I'm not sure how she did it)